Old camping lodge at Two Guns AZ

Kamping in Two Guns AZ

Here is my 2nd post from our recent trip to northern AZ. This was an all day trip that began at 3am and ended at 10pm that night. Our first stop was Two Guns AZ just east of Flagstaff. Two Guns has a long chaotic history stemming from the wild west days to the early 70’s.

One of the more prominent buildings left standing is a camping lodge.  This building sets a ways off from the old ruins of Two Guns.  To honor the old building this image was processed with a 70’s fade look to it.

Old camping lodge at Two Guns AZ


A short drive up a gravel road will take you to the lodge. Once there you are rewarded with one more treat, a swimming pool. Bring your sunscreen but leave the swimsuit at home. The only swimming you’ll do is in your head going through all the graffiti. Seriously, there is a lot.


Swimming pool with graffiti


Until next time…

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  1. Great composition on the first shot and as good as that image is, my liking bright and vibrant colors really draws me to the swimming pool image. Great capture and processing.

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