
Up Close

Click the pics for a bigger view Today is something new for the blog.  A couple of close up macro shots of my two monkeys.  I rented a Canon 100mm L macro lens a few weeks back for a wedding I was shooting and decided to have some fun using it around the house. I…

Two girls posing by a lake.


Click the pic for a bigger view So today we are back to showcasing the family.  Well at least part of the family.  Pictured on the left is my daughter with one of her best buds Agness on the right.  We went to the park a few weeks ago to grab some shots of the…

Two little boys taking a water break.

Water Break

Click the pic for a bigger view Just a quick post for today’s image.  Here we have two cohorts in crime taking a much needed water break from a hard afternoon of mischief.   The suspect on the left is my son Cole with his best bud Max standing beside him. With summer upon us I…