The passenger car of the California Zephyr train stopped in Tempe Arizona.

Silver Solarium

The passenger car of the California Zephyr train stopped in Tempe Arizona.

Click on the pic for another view

Here is another one of the California Zephyr that I photographed this past weekend.  This is one of the passenger cars.  You can read the complete back story on this adventure on my previous post, The California Zephyr.

With this shot I decided to go black and white.  The car itself had that vintage “Airstream” trailer look with the stainless steel exterior.  Couple that with the black lettering and it screams for the monotone treatment.

I’m still amazed at the number of people that came up from the park to see this old train.  Of course I was one of them so let’s just chalk it up to appreciating something of vintage that only gets better with age.

Until next time…

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  1. Excellent shot and choice of going B&W.
    I’m a big train buff (who isn’t) and have a trip coming up to capture some shots soon.

  2. Good call on the monochrome treatment. Its a beautiful old train. You’ve captured it well. I can almost hear Johnny Cash singing “Hey Porter” in the background!

  3. Do you a a straight on shot of a California Zephyr car. I need to duplicate the California Zephyr type style for a project I am working on.


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