Morning Peace
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Today’s post continues with our recent camping trip to Watson Lake just outside of Prescott Arizona. This trip had been on the agenda for some time since last fall as I had stumbled upon some pictures on Flickr and was shocked that this was in our AZ backyard.
Saturday morning I made sure I was up before sunrise. I wanted to be down at the lake well before the bright thing in the sky made its appearance. After setting my camera up I had some time to sit in the early hours of dawn and just relax. It was such a welcomed change to my everyday life which runs at light-speed. I grabbed a seat on a rock and just stared out into the lake. No real thoughts or concerns. Just taking it in one breath at a time. Serenity. Clarity. A zen moment. Pick a name, I was in it.
As Mr. Sun peaked above the horizon I got up and started grabbing brackets (ahh heaven). Unfortunately there were no clouds that morning so I had to settle with what I was given. No complaints. Being in the outdoors with camera in hand is always a good time.
For the image above, I was finally able to try out my new 10 stop filter. It was great having it due to the breeze blowing across the lake made for choppy water. One lesson I learned very quickly is working with a 10 stop filter, you don’t get in hurry. Take your time and be methodical.
Until next time…
Camera: Canon 5DM2 with a Tamron 17-35mm zoom
Processing: Lightroom 3, CS4, Phototools 2.6
Beauty long exposure! Love it!
Very peaceful and lovely long exposure. Fantastic!
What a peaceful shot. Love that water and the B&W treatment.
Wonderful shot Chris! The cloudless sky made for a great b/w conversion!
Wow, Chris, this one took my breath away! I love the reflections here! I feel so serene after looking at this, it truly is a peaceful scene!
Amazing, awesome image Chris
Fantastic composition, Chris. That rock in the foreground does it for me.
Love the rocks beneath the shallow water. Pure elegance!
What a peaceful moment to capture. I wouldn’t have thought that was Watson Lake… must have missed that spot. 🙂
Great composition.
Really love the crisp look of the whole scene man, awesome work
Wonderful shot Chris – superb long exposure and foreground content… excellent post-processing too!