Summer Fun in Arizona
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Summer fun has already started here in Arizona. My kids have been hitting the pool since last month. How they withstand 70 degree water is beyond me. Nonetheless they have been enjoying our early summer weather.
It’s not very often my oldest will stop long enough for me to take her picture, let alone 2 or 3. Last weekend as she was getting out of the pool I asked if I could grab a few fun shots of her. For some strange reason she agreed so I grabbed my camera before she changed her mind. I know how she thinks.
With her colorful bathing suit I decided to just try some silly shots of her jumping. That idea was a hit and she probably jumped 20 times as I worked out the timing of catching her in the air. We were on our back patio so I shot these pretty close to blur out all the unnecessary distractions. However Pokey the Chihuahua somehow made it into a few of the shots.
Below are a few of my favorites from our 10 minute session. Some day she might give me 30 minutes. Until then we will enjoy our summer fun.
That second shot where she is pulling her hair back is such a solid catch. Hopefully, she will appreciate the hard work you put in when she is slightly older.
Thanx Chris. I”m sure she will. She is starting to come around on pictures.