The sun sets on the Arizona desert.

Desert Burst

Click the pick for a larger view Today’s image could of been called “Ode to Jesse”.  Fellow photog Jesse Pafundi has a nice style of including sunbursts in his shots when the timing is right.  Jessie always does a great job of catching those at the right time. For this shot I was wrapping up…

Snow covers the Superstition Mountains a the Lost Dutchman State Park.


Click the pic for a bigger view Today’s image was taken back earlier this spring.  We had just had a good rainfall in the valley which generally means a lite dusting of snow on the surrounding mountains.  The mountains you see here are known as the Superstitions and located out at the Lost Dutchman State…

Arizona sunset with a cholla catching the last bit of light.

A Cholla Sunset

Click the pic for a bigger view One thing I never grow tired of here in Arizona are the sunsets.  I believe they can hold their own to just about any place on earth. This cholla provided a nice silhouette for the setting sun back in January.    These are nicknamed “jumping chollas”due to their…