An old weathered wooden fence.


An old weathered wooden fence.
Today’s image is from our summer trip to Durango Colorado.

During our time there the family decided they would like to do a horseback ride.  We signed up and returned the following day.  As we were waiting for our ride to start I grabbed my camera and walked the property.

And of course what horse property would be complete without an old wooden corral.  I grabbed a few shots of it and moved on to the horses.

Processing this image I went back and forth on a color version and the one you see here.  I settled for this pseudo sepia version.  It sort of reminds me of the old west.  Yippie kay!

Have a great weekend everyone.

Until next time…


Camera: Canon 40D with a Canon 50mm

Processing: Lightroom 3

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  1. I think you’ve captured the old west perfectly in this photo. Great choices in post-processing. The sepia and heavy vignetting give it an old timey feel that pairs well with the subject matter. Nicely done.

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