Grand Falls AZ

Grand Falls AZ

                            This past weekend took me to northern AZ where I was able to pursue one of my true passions of photography, shooting landscapes.  Nothing better than capturing a piece of Mother Nature looking her finest.  In this case it was Grand…

A 4mm Allen Wrench

A 4mm Allen Wrench

  Yes, this is a post about an Allen wrench.  Why?  Because the lack of this little tool caused me some grief on our recent night photo walk. About half way into our walk I noticed my camera was moving within the quick mount of my ball head.  I checked the locking lever to make…


Here is another shot from our recent night photo walk in Phoenix.  This could be one of the most photographed garage doors in all of Phoenix.  From the blue color to the chipped paint its easy to see why. I had seen this door on our earlier walk back in January and meant to shoot…

H2 Oh

This past Saturday I participated in the Phoenix Photo Walk held by Mike Olbinski.  This one started at 6pm so the focus would be night time shots.  Shooting at night is always fun especially when you have a city backdrop such as Phoenix. Our merry troop departed Coach & Willies slightly after 6pm to begin…

My New Site

Hello, and welcome to my new site.  This is my first post under the new site!! As you can see this site is quite different from my old one.   I have been able to integrate my blog into the website while still highlighting my work.  I’m really excited for this change!! One thing that has…

Welcome to Amococo

The family getting their “zen” on. It is spring break this week for our kids.  So of course that means they are bored.  As an effort to quiet the natives, Monday night we took them to the Mesa Arts Center (a favorite place to shoot portraits) to experience Amococo. What on earth is Amococo do you…