Children’s Action Alliance 2011

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A couple of weeks ago I had the honor of assisting Holly Baumann shoot the Children’s Action Alliance charity event. This was my 2nd year helping Holly shoot this awesome event. For more information please visit their site here.
The CAA does wonderful work and I consider it a privilege to be a small part of it. Of course shooting with my friend Holly is also a treat. She is a true professional who I have learned so much from.
I’ll leave you with a few of my favorites from the event.

Good job of capturing the moment!
Wow really wonderful set of images Chris.
A nice set here. Love those kicks!
Great images for a great cause Chris.
Awesome work on these Chris, really sorry job!
Very nicely done, Chris. Love the DoF in that first shot.
Where can I get a pair of those sneakers. LOL
Thanks again for your help Chris! Was great to see you and work together again.
Great set Chris. I agree with Jimi, love the DOF in the first shot and the VANS just rock.
Great shots for a great event. Nicely done.