
The Lattie Coor building on the campus of Arizona State University.

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Today’s image comes from an area I haven’t really explored that much, the campus of Arizona State University.  Which is pretty crazy considering I got my master’s degree from ASU.  The problem lies in the fact that I never set foot on campus for a class.  All of mine were done online or through a microwave link.

The building itself is Lattie F Coor Hall.  It is home to several different areas of study.  A brief overview of the building can be found here.

My schedule did not allow me to “explore” this gem at the time I shot it.  I just happened to be in the area running errands and thought I would swing by and take a look.  On top of that my 2 children were with me and heaven forbid dear old dad stop and take pictures of a stupid building.  Bribery was called upon to soothe the savages so I could at least get a few brackets.

There are lots of unique features to this building, but what caught my eye was the reflection of the word Explore on the outside glass.  A very nice touch by the architects.   I kept the processing to a minimum with this image.  The cobalt blue and glass etchings sort of took care of themselves.   I did try a b&w look and decided color was better.

I’m looking forward to going back when I have more time and a better hour in the day (this was shot around 1pm, gasp, I know).  Hopefully with a better sky than our traditional cloudless blue we have here in Arizona.

Until next time…


Processing info: shot with a Canon 40D, Tamron 17-35mm zoom, Lightroom 3, CS4, Photo Tools 2.6 and Photomatix 4

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  1. Very cool shot – the reflection is a nice touch…would be very cool to see this toward sunrise/sunset, as the light might softly bounce off the building. Like it a lot!

  2. Makes sense on a college campus… they want you to explore everything inside and out, from different perspectives and unique angles, just like your shot!

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