Brian & Candace | Maternity
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Its amazing sometimes how things line up for a shoot. In this instance, it was pretty freaking sweet. How about maternity pictures on the red rocks of Sedona along with a full moon!
I was approached by Candace a few months back to shoot her maternity pictures. With the summer heat already here I was worried that we would only have indoor studio shots (still to come) to work with and nothing on location. Well as luck would have it we had scheduled a camping trip to Sedona a few weeks back and it just so happened Brian & Candace were able to join us.
I never would’ve dreamed that Candace would voluntarily sleep on the ground in a tent at this point in her pregnancy. Talk about trooper! She and Brian were excited to come along as this would be their only time to camp before the baby comes. Of course I immediately thought “hey we can shoot your maternity session on the red rocks”. I mean who gets maternity photos with Sedona as a backdrop?!? Booyah!!
We ventured out to Red Rock Crossing and started shooting some maternity goodness. Candace crushed the session (along with Brian) and made my job incredibly easy. A beautiful mom to be, a gorgeous background and the AZ setting sun all inside the viewfinder of my camera!
These two are going to be awesome parents and I can’t wait to see their little one come August.
I’d like to extend a special thanks to my wife Carol who did an amazing job assisting me on this shoot. She was in constant motion with moving my lighting setup as needed. I could not have done this without her.
Below you will find a few of my favorites from our Sedona session. As always click on the pics to view them bigger.
Until next time…
Camera: Canon 5DM2 with a Canon 2.8 100mm L and Canon speedlite 580EXII, Radio Popper Jrx
Processing: Lightroom 4, CS5
After spending time in Sedona recently, I can see why the location was picked. Excellent shots Chris.
Dude, these are great! What a wonderful setting and kudos to mom for enduring the elements! You sure couldn’t tell it from the pics – she looks awesome!
Good job with the lighting man, turned out nice like you said!
Dude, your lighting skillz are getting damn fine. That first photo has some great depth to it!
These came out really good man. Wife did a good job on that light too! 🙂