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Chris this is incredible, look at those colors! It’s like the sky is on fire! And that purple too! This is awesome man, really love it.
Ridiculous colours, man. Great job including the plane.
Thats why I love Arizona. Great sunset shot and I love that perspective from the lake.
Beautiful sky…love me some Arizona.
Very nice, and perfectly timed. Well done.
Spectacular colors and perfect timing with the plane.
Wow…incredible colors. Beautiful shot Chris.
Outstanding colours here. I love the fact you got the Plane in there too
Fantastic! Beautiful colors!
This is breathtaking, Chris. Awesome shot!
Those colors are just awesome chris…nice capture!
Wow Chris. This is absolutely stunning. Those colors are wonderful. Very nice work.
Wow, this is off the hook crazy. lovely colors and perspective make this totally awesome, Chris. I also love how the plane is flying in the clear blue space between the contrasting colors. Excellent catch!
Beautiful work, Chris!!